
Facilitation is about bringing people together to identify the problem and discuss and find constructive solutions while balancing each party's needs and interests.  As a skilled and independent facilitator, Sharon manages communication and co-ordinates a process to achieve sustainable outcomes.   Bringing her added skills of mediation, Sharon works to open up alternative opportunities for resolution and frees up parties to participate and contribute.

Sharon facilitates groups, meetings and consultations to problem-solve issues and address negative dynamics.  Capacity building to generate organisational, group or individual growth and change in a respectful and inclusive way, is often an outcome of this process.

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Issues facilitated include:

  • Public meetings
  • Community consultation
  • Neighbourhood issues
  • Team problem solving including addressing issues with team dynamics
  • Organisational culture change and development / capacity building
  • Difficult decisions about the fair apportionment of competing resources
  • Restorative Justice
  • Prehearing meetings, including major projects before Boards of Inquiry and Decision Making Committees (DMC)
  • Compliance and matters under appeal.